Sunday, April 19, 2009

Insults from Anti American Trash.

I have to get this out of my system because over the last 4 days I have seen a bunch of frankly Assholes insulting Americans for caring and speaking out for their country. The sad thing is these dicks have no clue, I mean these so called Commentators and Actresses flap their gums squawking a bunch of useless crap to their last 5 fans and **Cough** News channel watchers. Here are some of the things said about the Americans that went to Tea Parties.

"Anderson Cooper says its hard to speak while teabagging"

Maddow "Teabagger {giggle} Teabagger {giggle} Teabagging conservative {giggle}"

Olbermann "Teabagging Conservative, Fox, Tea bagging Racists"

CNN reporter "But you get 12 dollars a week from a tax credit and I am a snob"

But what people need to realize is this. Despite what these ass clowns say about the Tea Parties it isn't just Conservatives. Even though Conservatives made up 46% of the crowd, the conveniently ignored fact that the other 54% of the crowds were Democrats and Independents. It is cute that these people think they feel the need to belittle Americans for exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Maybe instead of cracking wise cracks like they are 12 years old and looking like a re-run of Beavis and Butthead. Just maybe they should realize nobody cares what they think thats why Fox News smashes them in the Cable News ratings. Olbermann, Maddow, Cooper, and anybody else that felt the need to insult us as so called 'Teabaggers' including that ignorant disease riddled hack Janeane Garofalo, "Got your racist asshole". You all have no clue, and personally as far as I am concerned you all can go to hell. Anderson Cooper you should be ashamed of yourself especially since you are "suppose to be" a professional. I expect that type of crap out of MSNBC because of their bias to Republicans and the fact they never seen a thrill up their leg they didn't like. But to see CNN act like a ass too, it is disgusting.

For those of you that consider yourself Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Progressive or Liberal, this protest wasn't about a Democrat rule or a black guy in the White House (despite what NBC would like you to believe), if McCain had won and we would've had the bailouts and the Pork bill still. We still would have protested, this isn't about Red State/Blue State or Elephant or Donkey. It is about our country that you just so happen to be a citizen of as well. Unless you don't care about a 9 trillion dollar extension of debt on the 12 trillion already owed out for fleecing our country to bankers, Corporations, and foreign countries. Maybe you should finally say something as well and maybe start to remember you are all Americans as well, Not just a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or whatever the hell you call your Party.

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