Friday, April 10, 2009

Have we sold out to the Middle East and Europe

The past week when Obama went overseas I noticed something that made me sick and probably caused George Washington to roll over in his grave. Since when do we apologize for being American and bow to other foreign leaders. When Obama went to the Middle East he Bowed to the Saudi King seen here:

It is unheard of for any President to bow to any foreign monarchy. It is a clear violation of Presidential Protocol to not bow to anybody unless both parties don't shake hands and bow to each other like in certain customs. Not to mention when you look at the photo it looks as if he is kissing The Kings ring. Since when did we begin kissing other Countries asses? I mean come on we have Allies and we are not bowing to The Queen nor Israel but of course can't expect Obama to bow to Israel after all they aren't Muslim.

Am I the only one who can see the difference? If you don't see the difference how about more info, Hillary Clinton pledged $300 million dollars " to meet "urgent" humanitarian needs in Hamas-ruled Gaza." Not to mention "$200 million of the U.S. pledge would help cover budget shortfalls of the Western-backed Palestinian Authority (PA) and the remainder was for economic reforms, security and private sector projects run by the PA". Good thing we are worried about every one else's budget shortfalls after all we are pulling money out our ass. Now when the US gives money for humanitarian needs it is not a big deal but raises eyebrows when you consider it's to a Palestinian Cause also Obama's history with this guy:

Not to mention The Administration wants to talk with a sworn enemy Iran, plus they 'the liberals' REFUSE to let America drill its own energy so we can quit sending money to the Middle East. They claim they want to go with Alternative energy but have no Alternative and refuse to give half way by drilling into Alternatives are found. The Administration would much whether give the Saudi's and Iran oil money then keep it American.

So with this said don't be surprised if you were a member of the 56% you got your change you wanted, A Foreign Policy of kissing Ass and Appeasement. It appears we turned in our balls with our ballots on November 4th, 2008 congrats.,0,2388127.story,0,1780231,full.story


  1. Speaking of humanitarian aid, did you hear how much we gave Italy to help with the earthquake recovery? I believe it was $50,000!!! That's it! Madonna gave more!
