Thursday, May 28, 2009

The True Audacity of the Left

It amazes me yesterday on Twitter Newt Gingrich exercised his freedom of speech right and simply said,
  1. "White man racist nominee would be forced to withdraw. Latina woman racist should also withdraw."
  2. "Imagine a judicial nominee said "my experience as a white man makes me better than a Latina woman" new racism is no better than old racism."
Then the flood gates opened up the trolls came out of the wood work and piled on Newt. Sadly Newt had to endure posts like the following:
  • bambichronicles

  • "@newtgingrich eat it fool
  • Bootdagawt

  • "@newtgingrich just shut the fuck up, fat fuckin racist. ill like to kick you in the tonsils
  • meghanelaine

  • "@newtgingrich It's been too long! ZOMG UR RACIST"
  • all_a_twitt_r

  • "@newtgingrich is a hater who will never be on the Supreme Court. When will Latina women racists stop holding the white man down ?"
  • "@newtgingrich If Maria is a racist, GHW Bush is an idiot. If not, Gingrich is hater. Whether he hates PRs or non-whites is up for dbate
  • hillelaron

  • "Wow some random republican douche just responded to my newt comment.
  • "You know @newtgingrich isn't running for president cause he's fat as fuck"
  • crewislife

  • "Oh how sad. @newtgingrich doesn't realize that he's nothing more than a intellectually dishonest, small-minded, racist fool.
  • lllal

  • "@newtgingrich shame on you...taking something out of context and yelling racism...shame on you.

  • All of the above posts are real and if you have the stomach to read more, the other insults available by searching out on Twitter & Tweet deck or clicking here @newtgingrich .
I would hope that a wise White man with the richness of his experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a Black male or Latina Female who hasn't lived that life. Sounds screwed up don't it? But of course a white guy didn't say that because every liberal group would have came out of the woodwork and would be protesting in the streets right next to Sharpton. Just my thoughts but of course who am I besides some right extremist guy who clings to his Guns and stuff.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pissed off at Starbucks

Yesterday I purchased a cold mug/glass from Starbucks for $15.99. I was pumped at the purchase thinking finally I found a way to save some money with my Starbucks addiction. So with that said I went today to Starbucks with intention of fulfilling my need for speed (LOL).

I ordered my usual White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino w/ extra shot no whip with chocolate drizzle. The usual price of this without a Mug is $5.34. I told the girl I had a refill Mug she said ok drive thru. I get to the window the guy takes the Mug and says your total is $5.23. I said to him $5.23 I have a Mug for refill. He says yes that's the price your discount is $.10 cents and you help save the environment $.10 cents at a time. I then felt my blood pressure spike and I yelled at him replying I don't give a shit about the environment, the only reason I bought the damn Mug is to save money what hell am I suppose to do with $.10 cents. I then replied again if I was so concerned about the environment I wouldn't have wasted the damn gas to get here, our electric you use to run my debit card and make my coffee to buy the damn Coffee. The kid knew that got to me and stated, "Look at the bright side you have a cool Starbucks logo on the front". At that point I got turned heads and took the coffee, my card and drove off pissed. Moral of this rant is this, don't buy the Mugs from Starbucks it is a $15.99 screw job, if you get the Mugs you will end up having to purchase 160 Coffee's just to break even. I am still debating with myself if I will go back to Starbucks again. I contacted the Customer service to bitch. Knowing the way things go I will probably will never hear back from them. Take care all have a great day.