Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How can we get pass race?

My question is how do we get pass race? Why do I ask that? Simply because everywhere you turn if you make a comment remotely that can be associated or construed related with a African American, Hispanic American, or Latino American Individual even slightly you are considered a racist. There is a Black President so with that said, I will not bite my tongue. I refuse to have some overly sensitive cry baby to tell me I can not use the terms/words (Food Stamp, Ghetto, Projects, Hoop-dee, welfare, green card, Illegal, Terrorist, War on Terror and any other term you may think that would hurt somebodies damn feelings). Get over it, if you don't like it STOP reading my posts, blog, and unfollow me. I don't want you nor do I need you. I will not prevent myself from calling a spade a spade just because I don't want you to need to use any tissues. Everybody on here should be grown up and able to take care of themselves and don't need the Politically correct police running around correcting people. There have been millions of Soldiers that died to give you and me the right to sit here in this great country and type this with having a government watching what you say and locking you up for saying it. So unlike you I will exercise my rights, salute them great soldiers and say thank you. They died to give me and you rights to say what I feel needs to be said, AND I WILL SAY IT!!!

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